Downtown Sanitary Sewer Upgrade – Phase 3b (Project No. 2446)

The work to be done in general consists of mobilization, traffic control, storm water pollution control, potholing of existing utilities, clearing and grubbing, tree trimming, bypass pumping of sanitary sewer flows, open trench replacement of sanitary sewer mains and laterals, pipe bursting of sanitary sewer mains and laterals, sewer cleanout installations, manhole construction, manhole rehabilitation, digout repairs,microsurfacing, traffic striping and markings, and all other work as specified in these Special Provisions and shown in the Drawings. The estimated construction cost for the project is approximately $3.6 million.
Addendum 1 (click to expand/collapse)
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2020-12-03_2446 Addendum 1 3.5 MB
Addendum 2 (click to expand/collapse)
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2021-01-08_2446 Addendum 2 240.6 KB